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电话: 0514-87979528
E-mail: j.wu@yzu.edu.cn
?2015/8 – 2016/1,荷兰TU Delft大学,环境生物技术研究组,访问学者
?2003.7-2008.7 英国拉夫堡大学土木与建筑工程系,博士,水工程
?2000.9-2003.6 同济大学环境工程学院,硕士环境工程
?国家自然科学基金,51208450 ,颗粒有机物对活性污泥供碳及絮体结构改善协同作用机制研究,2013-2015,25万元,主持;
?江苏省高校自然科学基金 ,10KJB560005,颗粒物质在MBR膜污染过程中堆积机理研究,2010-2012,3万元,主持;
?江苏省企业博士集聚人才计划 (2010-2012);
?国家自然科学基金,51178408,空气混合对水库蓝藻生长的胁迫作用研究, 2011-2015,58万元,参与;
1.Jun Wu*, Chengda He, Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht, and Julio Pérez (2016) Selection of ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) over nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) based on conversion rates. Chemical Engineering Journal 304, 953-961.
2.Jun Wu*, Yue Zhang. and Gang Yan. (2016) Differentiating two partial nitrification mechanisms: Inhibiting nitrite oxidizing bacteria activity or promoting ammonium oxidizing bacteria activity. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 4(3), 3260-3266.
4.Jun Wu*, Gang Yan, Guojing Zhou, Ting Xu, (2015) New insights in partial nitrification start-up revealed by a model based approach. RSC Advances 5(121), 100299-100308.
5.Jun Wu*, Ting Xu, Gang Yan, Chengda He, Guojing Zhou (2015) Model predictive control of partial nitrification via nitrous oxide (N2O) emission monitoring. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 3(4, Part A), 2857-2865.
6.Jun Wu*, Ting Xu, Xinyue Jiang, Gang Yan, Lingtang Yu, (2015) Model based optimization of partial nitrification by monitoring nitrous oxide (N2O) emission, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 3, 1602-1613.
7.严刚,季献华,李武林,吴军*. 利用电絮凝法处理脱硫废水的研究 [J]. 环境工程. 2015 (S1)
8.Jun Wu*, Gang Yan, Guojing Zhou, Ting Xu, Wastewater COD biodegradability fractionated by simple physical-chemical analysis, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014 (258) 450–459
9.Jun Wu*, Gang Yan, Guojing Zhou, Ting Xu, Model predictive control of biological nitrogen removal via partial nitrification at low carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2014, 2(4), 1899–1906
10.于林堂; 徐亚军; 吴军; 张键; 周春洪, 氧转移系数K_(La)的计算机数据采集与计算, 实验室研究与探索, 02期, pp 86-88+274, 2014.
11.王巍; 丛海兵; 徐亚军; 陈雯婧; 徐思涛; 吴军; 蒋新跃, 不同压力作用下太湖蓝藻气囊体积分数及上浮特性研究, 环境科学, 08期, pp 2974-2979, 2014
12.刘 祥, 何成达*, 苗小丽, 俞力,王雅芳,吴军. A2N工艺碳源分子质量分布及利用对脱氮特性的影响. 水处理技术, 2014, 40(1): 96–99, 103.
13.Yu Jing, He Chengda, Liu Xiang, Jun Wu, Hu Yang, Zhang Ya, Removal of perfluorinated compounds by membrane bioreactor with powdered activated carbon (PAC): Adsorption onto sludge and PAC, Desalination, 334(1), pp 23-28, 2014/2/3.
14.Dongsu Bi, Chengda He, Jun Wu, Modeling head loss in biological aerated filters including active biomass, inert biomass and extracellular polymeric substances Environmental Engineering and Management Journal April 2014, Vol.13, No. 4, 929-938
15.Jun Wu, Chengda He*, Dongsu, Bi, Jing Yu, Ya Zhang, bio-cake model for the soluble COD removal by the back-transport, adsorption and biodegradation processes in the submerged membrane bioreactor. Desalination 322(0), 2013, 1-12.
16.Jun Wu*, Chengda He, Effect of cyclic aeration on fouling in submerged membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment. Water Research, 46 (2012) 3507-3515.
17.Jun Wu*, Chengda He, Yaping Zhang,Modeling membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor by considering the role of solid, colloidal and soluble components. Journal of Membrane Science, 2012, 397-398:102-111.
18.Jun Wu*, Chengda He, The effect of settlement on wastewater carbon source availability based on respirometric and granulometric analysis, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012 189– 190: 250-255.
19.Jun Wu*, Chengda He, Xinyue Jiang, Miao Zhang, Modeling of the submerged membrane bioreactor fouling by the combined pore constriction, pore blockage and cake formation mechanisms. Desalination, 279 (2011) 127-134.
20.Jun Wu*, Chengda He. Experimental and modeling investigation of sewage solids sedimentation based on particle size distribution and fractal dimension,International Journal of Environmental science and Technology,2010 7(1) 37-46.
21.Jun Wu, Andrew Wheatley*, Assessing Activated Sludge Morphology and Settlement by laser and image analysis, Water management 2010(163) 139-145.
22.何成达; 丛海兵; 吴军, 给水排水专业培养目标定位与特色建设探讨, 高等建筑教育, 05期, pp 37-39, 2010/10/15.
23.Jun Wu* , Xinyue Jiang , Andrew Wheatley, Characterizing activated sludge process effluent by particle size distribution, respirometry and modeling, Desalination 249 (2009) 969–975.
24.Jun Wu, Andrew Wheatley*, Image analysis of Activated sludge to study its settling behavior. 7th UK Meeting - IWA International Young Researchers Conference. 4th &5th April 2006.
(* 通讯作者)
?一种城市景观水体控藻除污装置 ZL200910264167 , 已授权,发明专利
?活性污泥在线计算机图形分析预警系统及方法 ZL201310713069.4, 已授权,发明专利
?一种监测污水生物处理氧吸收速率和控制曝气量的方法 ZL201410018309.3 , 已授权,发明专利
?英国特许水环境管理协会会员 (CIWEM, UK)
?国际水质协会会员 (IWA)
?为下列期刊审稿:Water Research,Journal of Membrane Science,Environmental science technology, Bioresource Technology,Desalination,RSC Advance,Journal of environmental chemical engineering ,Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering,环境工程学报